Diocesan Trustees
Diocese of Leeds Trustee (Company registration number 2886244)
Registered Office:
Hinsley Hall, 62 Headingley Lane, Leeds, LS6 2BX
Rt Rev M Stock (Bishop of Leeds)
Rev Mgr P Fisher (Vicar General)
Mr M Gargan
Mr P McDermott
Rev Mgr A Summersgill (Moderator of the Curia & Vicar General)
Chief Operating Officer
Company Secretary
Mr J Moran
Constitution and Aims
The Charity, the Leeds Diocesan Trust, is a registered charity with the registration number 249404. The Charity was established, in its current form, by a Trust Deed dated 20 December 1993. The sole Trustee of the Charity is a trust corporation, the Diocese of Leeds Trustee, company registration number 2886244. The Leeds Diocesan Trust is the legal entity of the Diocese of Leeds.
In support of the Mission of the Catholic Church, the principal objectives of the Charity are:
- the advancement of the Catholic Religion;
- the promotion of Catholic Teaching in the Diocese and beyond;
- the provision and care of Priests; and
- the maintenance of Churches, Presbyteries and Schools.
The operation of the Charity is overseen by the Trustee. The Directors of the Trustee are appointed by the Bishop of Leeds who is Chair of the Board. There are usually four Trustee Board meetings during the financial year. The Trustee Board is, for the purposes of Canon Law, the Finance Council of the Diocese. The Trustee complies with the requirements of the Charities Act 2011, Section 17, to have due regard to the public benefit guidance published by the Charities Commission including the guidance ‘Public benefit: running a charity (PB2)’ in determining the activities undertaken by the Charity.
Through its Annual Report the Trustee seeks to demonstrate that the Charity’s aims and objectives are for the public benefit.