The Catholic Church across Yorkshire's historic West Riding since 1878

The Catholic Church across Yorkshire's historic West Riding since 1878

First Reconciliation

There are links below to resources for liturgies and prayers which can be used to support your First Reconciliation programme:

Reconciliation Guided Reflection Script

Reconciliation Guided Reflection PowerPoint

There are links below to resources for liturgies and prayers which can be used to support any of your catechetical programmes:

Lectio Script
Lectio PowerPoint

Examen Script
Examen PowerPoint

Family Catechesis Reflection – the Parable of the Sower

There is a link below to an Examination of Conscience based on the Beatitudes which catechists may like to use with parents and carers.

Examination of Conscience Beatitudes – for Lent, Advent, Sacramental Preparation

Examination of Conscience Virtues

You may like to celebrate a Rite of Enrolment during Holy Mass for the children who will be beginning their preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. There are links below to orders of service for two Rites of Enrolment. The first Rite involves the distribution of crosses (which are not provided ad part of the resource); the second Rite replaces the distribution with a prayer.

Rite of Enrolment Introduction

Rite of Enrolment 1

Rite of Enrolment 2

There is a link below to a template for a Sponsor Card. You may like to reduce the template in size and download it onto card and distribute cards to parishioners who have agreed to pray for candidates preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Reconciliation Sponsor Card