Our Catholic Schools
This evangelising mission is exercised through the diverse interaction of Catholic schools with their local parishes, families, societies and cultures they serve. Diocesan staff, together with colleagues in the Property Department, support schools to ensure that they are successful and act in accordance with the Trust Deed of the Diocese. This involves offering advice and direction on a broad range of educational matters such as: RE and curriculum issues; Catholic life of a school; staffing and recruitment; governance; legal matters, admissions and capital developments. In order to do this, the team works closely with local authorities, the Department for Education, Regional organisations and Ofsted. Strong partnerships are key and the team values the support of the Catholic Education Service.
The vicariate staff working principally with schools are:
Mgr Paul Grogan, Episcopal Vicar for Education who on behalf of the Bishop provides episcopal oversight of the work of the Vicariate, supported by:
Kieron Flood, Director of Education
Rachel Rouse, Deputy Director of Education
Fr Martin Kelly, Co-ordinator for School Lay Chaplains.
Christopher Devanny, Religious Education Co-ordinator for Schools
Brigid Tullie, Academies Project Co-ordinator (Tue/Wed)
Emma Nicholson, Administrator
Contact us at: education.admin@dioceseofleeds.org.uk