The Catholic Church across Yorkshire's historic West Riding since 1878

The Catholic Church across Yorkshire's historic West Riding since 1878

Faith in Action Awards

Faith in Action is a national award scheme for young people aged between 10 and 18, supported by CYMFed (Catholic Youth Ministry Federation). The scheme has been designed to be accessible, to acknowledge good works and encourage more, and to ensure that action is rooted in faith.

“A faith without works, a faith that doesn’t get you involved, isn’t faith. It is words and nothing more than words.”

Pope Francis – 21st February 2014

How does the Faith in Action Award Scheme work in the Diocese of Leeds?

The Faith in Action Award Scheme is an effective way of making our Bishop’s vision for the formation and on-going accompaniment of our children and young people become a reality.

This scheme will provide opportunities for our young people to be involved in on-going formation and catechesis as they move through their secondary education. The introduction of the first level to coincide with Confirmation preparation at the end of the primary phase will, we hope, become a stepping stone for their continuing involvement in the Christian life.

The Youth Service is an Awarding Authority with whom Parishes, Primary Schools and Secondary Schools  will register. A named person in the parish or school, known as the Award Leader, will accompany the young people who have signed up, through their award: guiding them, meeting with them, facilitating the Faith In Action Together (FIAT) Sessions and thus ensuring the legitimacy of the Award.

“We should try to: deepen the faith and relationship of our young people with Our Lord Jesus Christ; integrate our young people into the life of the local and universal Church; form our young people in the Christian virtues which will build character and inspire the leaders among them; and, help our young people to grow in discipleship and learn how to put their faith into action through serving Christ in others, in the Church, and in the world around them.”

Bishop Marcus Stock – September 2016



Parish Registration Form


School Registration Form


Information Leaflet for Parents


Information Leaflet

The Four Sections

Participants undertake activities in four different areas:


Going on a retreat, leading class prayers and taking opportunities to have a variety of different prayer experiences.

Pilgrimage & Procession

Joining with Diocesan pilgrimages and processions like Walsingham, Lourdes and Batley, as well as family or school opportunities to local places of pilgrimage.

Parish Practice

Contributing to the life of the local parish e.g. welcoming at Mass, reading bidding prayers and helping with younger children.

Social Action

Volunteering in the local community, fundraising, campaigning, getting involved in the work of charities.


The Four Award Levels

There are four different levels of the award:

  • Pin Level (Discovery): Years 5 & 6 (This could be done alongside Confirmation preparation)
  • Bronze Level (Service): Years 7 & 8
  • Silver Level (Leadership): Years 8 & 9 
  • Gold Level (Innovation): Years 10+ (May include the Diocesan Lourdes pilgrimage)