Local Directory
If you’re interested in volunteering in the area of criminal justice, or you’d like to find out more about the agencies that work in your area, here is a list of organisations and their websites.
Mental health
Sexual offending
Youth offending
Police and Crime Commissioners
Restorative Justice
Both police forces look for volunteers in a range of roles, such as Special Constables, Police support volunteers (e.g. neighbourhood support, drivers).
To find contact details for a court, you can use the government’s court finder service.
Local courts:
Leeds, Bradford Crown Courts
Leeds, Bradford Magistrates and Family Courts; Harrogate, Skipton, Huddersfield Magistrates Courts
Kirklees (Huddersfield) Huddersfield County Court and Family Court
The Citizen Advice Bureau’s Witness Service uses volunteers. It provides free and independent support for both prosecution and defence witnesses.
The National Probation Service has various offices across the region. The online directory can be found here.
West Yorkshire Community Chaplaincy Project aims to create a better society for us all by working alongside people who have been in prison to help them achieve settled and productive lives back in our community.
p3 Services improves lives and communities by delivering services for socially excluded and vulnerable people to unlock their potential and open up new possibilities.
St Giles Trust is a charity using expertise and real-life past experiences to empower people who are not getting the help they need.
Pact / Through the gate provides support to people leaving prison and resettling back into the community who are not already in receipt of mentoring support.
Catch 22 (Transforming Rehabilitation) offers support in prison through to release and resettlement into the community to reduce the risk of re-offending at HMP Leeds.
St Georges Crypt has been providing care and support to homeless and vulnerable adults in Leeds since 1930.
Barca-Leeds offers a broad range of services that directly improves the life outcomes for children, adults and their families.
WY-Fi Project has supported over 800 adults facing multiple disadvantage and experiencing entrenched needs in at least three of the following: Homelessness; Addiction to drugs and/or alcohol; Reoffending or Mental ill-health.
Together Women Project provides holistic services to women and girls with multiple and complex needs across Yorkshire, Humberside and the North of England.
Tempus Novo is an award-winning charity that works with serving prisoners and ex-offenders.
Mental health
NHS services can be accessed through a GP. The Mindwell website gives guidance on where to find support in the Leeds region.
MIND is a national charity that provides advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. It has regional offices:
NHS services are available – a GP is usually the first step to accessing them. The Mindwell website gives help in finding support in the Leeds area.
There are a wide number of voluntary or charity services that can be accessed directly. ‘Twelve step’ groups are people who have become sober themselves who help others who want to recover from addiction, at Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous meetings.
There are also a number of housing projects that offer rehabilitation for people who want to stop using drugs and alcohol, and can sometimes take people directly from prison. They have different requirements and methods, here is a list:
Rehab/supported housing:
Alpha House, Halifax.
Reflections House, Castleford
Spacious Places, Leeds.
Growing Rooms, Leeds.
Horizon Life Training, Harrogate.
Claver Hall/St Anthony’s Project, Bradford.
Langley House Trust has some services in West Yorkshire, although the accommodation is elsewhere.
For families of people with addiction:
Al-anon is there for anyone whose life is or has been affected by someone else’s drinking.
Sexual offending
Sex Addicts Anonymous is a Twelve-Step program of recovery from sex addiction
Safer Lives is a leading UK agency providing specialist one-to-one support to people who want to keep or make their sexual behaviours safe. We also offer support to partners, family members and others. A majority of our work is with men who are under police investigation for online sexual offending.
Contact information and useful details for prisoners and visitors can be found on the government website
HMP Leeds
HMP Wealstun
HMP Wakefield
HMP New Hall (women only)
YOI Wetherby (young offenders)
Up to date inspection reports on each prison can be found on the HM Inspector of Prisons website.
Jigsaw Visitors Centre (at HMP Leeds and HMP Wealstun) offers a range of services to families of people in prison.
Youth Offending Teams
There are a range of teams in the Diocese of Leeds region, who are responsible for probation and other matters related to young people who have committed a crime. Here are some regional offices:
Youth Justice Service: North Yorkshire
In West Yorkshire these services are provided through Victim Support. Support and counselling is available for victims of crime – even if the victim has not reported the crime to the police. There is a telephone line service available on 0300 303 1971 as well as a live online ‘chat’ service. There is also an online portal with many resources to help victims at My Support Space.
In North Yorkshire victims can get help through Supporting Victims. For more information try the helpline on 01609 643100.
Both services regularly take on volunteers.
Police and Crime Commissioners
For more information on this office please see our guide. [link to page]
Restorative Justice
In North Yorkshire, the service is provided by Restorative Solutions. Victims of crime or offenders can access the service through Supporting Victims as well as through Restorative Solutions.
In West Yorkshire, the service is provided by Restorative Solutions but has a separate website with contact information for victims, offenders and potential volunteers.
For offences committed by people under 18, restorative justice is usually provided through the youth offending teams in the local area.
Phil Pearce, who gave evidence to the inquiry, runs the charity Life Experience that arranges for people to talk about their experiences of offending or drugs to help educate others.