The Catholic Church across Yorkshire's historic West Riding since 1878

The Catholic Church across Yorkshire's historic West Riding since 1878


Courts are where criminal offences are dealt with. Less serious offences go to Magistrate’s Courts. More serious offences such as murder and rape go to Crown Courts, where the case is heard in front of a judge and jury. Here is more information on the roles of magistrates, clerks, lawyers and other players in the court process. Vulnerable defendants are supported by the Liaison and Diversion service.

For more information, go to the HM Courts & Tribunals Service.

There are two main services to help the victims and witnesses through a court process:

Witness Service – this volunteer-led service provides support to witnesses in a criminal case. It will be run by the Citizen’s Advice Bureau until 2021.

Victim services – there are services nationwide to help victims after a crime has been committed, whether or not it comes to court. West Yorkshire Victim Support is run slightly differently to North Yorkshire’s Supporting Victims service.


Please click here for local contacts for this service