The Catholic Church across Yorkshire’s historic West Riding since 1878


Safeguarding Training

The Catholic Church of England and Wales, the Bishops and Congregational Leaders are committed to Safeguarding as an integral part of the life and ministry of the Church. We affirm the One Church approach to safeguarding children, young people and adults at risk through the promotion of a sustained and sustainable culture of constant vigilance. The Church recognises the personal dignity and rights of all People towards whom it has a responsibility.

As part of the “One Church Approach” to Safeguarding, the Bishops’ Conference has agreed that all Clergy must complete a National Safeguarding Training program.

Minimal Requirements

The Bishop and Trustees of the Diocese of Leeds have set minimum requirements for safeguarding training for Clergy, employees and volunteers. This requirement covers anyone appointed by or on behalf of the church to a post or role, whether they are clergy or lay, paid or unpaid.

Those requiring core training include:

  • All clergy in ministry, (this includes deacons, new priests, priests from a religious order appointed to a parish in the diocese) and Leadership roles in the curia.
  • Trustees and curia staff
  • Youth workers employed or volunteering within the diocese or in parishes.
  • Parish Safeguarding Representatives
  • Anyone else who has significant contact through their role in the Church with children, young people or adults who may be vulnerable to abuse or exploitation or at risk, or who requires a DBS check in order to carry out their role for the diocese or a parish.

The Celebrets for priests and identity cards for Deacons issued by the Diocese of Leeds include a statement that says the holder ‘has a current Enhanced DBS Disclosure and has undertaken safeguarding training for ministry.’ This statement is provided on the strict understanding that:

  • Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) – all clergy must have an enhanced DBS check every 3
  • Training – all clergy must complete Safeguarding Training/ refresher module every 2 years.

It is a high priority in the Diocese of Leeds that all volunteers and employees are trained in safeguarding and understand the importance of their safeguarding role in providing a safe environment. Those who fail to attend the mandatory training within 12 months will be unable to continue in their role.

Current Courses

The annual training programme is set by the Safeguarding Coordinator, in consultation with the Trustees Safeguarding Subcommittee and the Bishop.

Safeguarding training that is delivered will be a blended approach, combining CSSA, modules and Diocesan safeguarding training.

CSSA offer some modules in person, via live webinars and some online courses through the learning portal and can be accessed at This resource has been made available for you to learn through the CSSA safeguarding national standards the importance of safeguarding in relation to your Ministry or role within the Catholic Church of England and Wales. Here you can learn about safeguarding through LIVE sessions with qualified tutors, or at your own pace with dedicated online modules. All courses are open and free for everyone.

The CSSA Modules for clergy and leadership roles include:

  • Leadership in Safeguarding
  • Listening to Victims and Survivors Perspectives
  • Preparing for a Safeguarding Audit

The CSSA modules for Volunteers include:

  • The CSSA modules for Volunteers include:

    • Level 1 Safeguarding in the Catholic Church for Volunteers (This is a 2-page leaflet which will appear in one screen which we devised for you because you do not require a DBS check for performing your role, and/or you may only work occasionally at the Church).
    • Level 2 Safeguarding in the Catholic Church-This training session is delivered online, and it is intended for regular volunteers who require a DBS which is NOT checked against the Barred List(s)
    • Level 3 Safeguarding training for Volunteers in the Catholic Church (This training session is entirely delivered online and is intended for those volunteers who require a DBS which is checked against the Barred List(s)

Following discussion with the CSSA the following can be taken into account
Level 1 Leaflet must be given to all volunteers who do not require a DBS. A record of those receiving the leaflet if unable to register online for such, should be kept by the Parish and shared with the Safeguarding team.

Level 2 and 3 for individuals without internet access: it has been suggested group events can be held to deliver the training, discussions take place and attendees complete a paper version of the assessment. A copy of attendees must be kept by the Parish and shared with the Safeguarding Team.

The CSSA modules for Safeguarding Teams and Seminarian training can be accessed at

Diocesan training will be advertised on the diocesan website and booked via email with the safeguarding office.

CSSA training can be accessed through the learning portal for live sessions and online training, whereas in person training can be booked via email to

Diocesan courses will require a minimum of 12 attendees.

All Clergy, staff and volunteers will be informed of training via email and the Diocesan safeguarding webpage.