Environment and Conservation

CAFOD’s latest campaign is a chance to make our voices heard on the Environment by contacting our MPs about Laudate Deum: Pope Francis’ follow-up to his 2015 Apostolic Exhortation, Laudato Si’.

We can follow the example of Bishop John Arnold from our neighbouring Diocese of Salford and the CBCEW’s Lead Bishop on the Environment, who recently wrote to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak:

The people most affected by the climate crisis are those who are poor and vulnerable – and who have done least to contribute to it. To make our own MPs aware of the increasing need for their support and action, follow the link to CAFOD’s page and add your voice to the Pope’s, our Bishops’ and thousands of others : Share Pope Francis’ COP28 message with your MP (cafod.org.uk)

Letting our MPs know about Laudate Deum!