The Diocese of Leeds Justice and Peace Commission’s SPARK Social Justice project is launching a sponsorship scheme for 18–30-year-olds across our diocese to attend the National Justice and Peace Network (NJPN) Conference which will take place from teatime on Friday 23 July to lunchtime on Sunday 25 July at the Christian Conference Centre in Swanwick, Derbyshire.
This year’s theme is ‘Action for Life on Earth’ and the Chair for the weekend will be Christine Allen, Director of CAFOD. There will be several keynote speakers, various workshops, and the Bishop of Salford, The Rt Revd John Arnold, will be the lead celebrant at the main Conference Mass.
Anyone in the 18-30 age-group wishing to apply for sponsorship is encouraged to go to the Justice & Peace website:
The Chair of the Diocese of Leeds Justice and Peace Commission is John Battle who said, ‘I know that younger generations are just as passionate about issues of social justice as older generations. The NJPN Conference this year is about our Climate Emergency and what more we can do, as a Church, to take up the challenge of Pope Francis in Laudato Si’. This scheme provides the opportunity to let younger people in the Diocese – the people who will be most affected by our changing climate – lead us towards a new vision of how we can live sustainably with all other life on Earth.’
Marg Siberry, a parishioner at St Benedict’s in Garforth and a member of the Project Steering Group for the SPARK Social Justice Project, said, ‘In the company of many Catholic social justice activists from across England and Wales, this conference offers a unique opportunity to share hopes and fears about our future and be inspired to take action, based firmly on Church teaching.’
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