The Catholic Church across Yorkshire's historic West Riding since 1878

The Catholic Church across Yorkshire's historic West Riding since 1878

Drawn to Christ Like Moths to a Flame

Our Diocesan series of talks exploring human flourishing in the Bible during the Year of the Word continued on Thursday 13 February as Dominican priest Fr Richard Ounsworth OP, an expert in New Testament studies at Blackfriars Oxford, addressed another large audience at Hinsley Hall.

Fr Richard’s intricate presentation explored how Christ is much more than an example of how we can lead conventionally moral lives. Rather, Jesus invites us to follow Him in challenging contemporary values and embracing his complete self-surrender to God. Yet Christ also makes possible our liberation from sin, and enables us to become fully human by allowing us to share in His victory over death. United to Jesus’ passion, we receive a measure of His divine glory.

A recording of Fr Richard’s talk is available here:

Our picture shows Fr Richard being intoduced to the audience by Deacon Rev Henry Longbottom.

The next talk in The God Who Gives Life series will be given at Hinsley Hall, on Thursday 12 March (7pm) by Dr Margaret Baker, a renowned Biblical Scholar and Methodist Preacher.

Dr Baker will speak about how the Bible can inspire Christians to take action on environmental issues in her talk: The God Who Blesses the Earth: Care for Creation as a Liturgical Act. Please contact to reserve a place; the full programme of talks can be found here.


