The Catholic Church across Yorkshire's historic West Riding since 1878

The Catholic Church across Yorkshire's historic West Riding since 1878

Diocesan Silver Medal Presentations.

A very special presentation took place at this year’s Good Shepherd Celebration held in Leeds Cathedral on 24 May.

Bishop Marcus awarded two retiring Catholic Care staff with the Diocesan Silver Medal, recognising their commitment, loyalty and service to the charity.

Janet Kavanagh had worked for Catholic Care for 32 years when she retired earlier this year. She started her Catholic Care life in 1992, working in Children’s Services at Fixby Road, Lanshaw Crescent, and Redholt Children’s Homes. As these homes closed, Janet transitioned across to Mental Health Accommodation Services, working firstly in Bradford before moving in 2008 to Foundry Mill in Leeds as the senior Housing Support Worker. Janet was well-liked by the tenants who were very emotional when she left. She will be sorely missed by them and her colleagues.

Owen Corrigan will have worked for Catholic Care for 36 years when he retires in July. Owen began employment in 1987, also working in Children’s Services. At Cowgill House Children’s Home he met his wife, then moved to Redholt as Deputy Manager in 1991, and then served as Manager from 1992 to 1994. In September 1994 he was supported by the charity to study for the Diploma in Social Work at Huddersfield University. On his return in 1996 he successfully applied for the post of Manager of St Mary’s Children’s Home in Boston Spa. On the closure of this home, Owen successfully transitioned to the School’s, Children, and Family Wellbeing Service in 2004. He was a very well-respected member of the team and a great favourite in the schools with staff and pupils alike.

Many congratulations to both Janet and Owen.



