The Catholic Church across Yorkshire's historic West Riding since 1878

The Catholic Church across Yorkshire's historic West Riding since 1878

A New On-line Catholic Newspaper

The Universe Catholic Weekly is delighted to announce that it has launched its new online newspaper.

Order your Digital 4 weeks FREE trial copies by calling Michelle on 0743 661 7650 or email:-

Cive Leach, CBE KSG, Chairman, Universe Catholic Weekly, has sent a personal request to parishes, during the past week in which he says:

“… As you can imagine we are working very hard to get the new digital only Universe Catholic Weekly strongly circulated around all the parishes after the substantial difficulties of the last two years. We are making slow headway.

We believe, as do many of our Catholic friends and colleagues, that the maintaining of a strong Catholic view on so many important and difficult issues is of even greater importance than ever before.

But as I have often said in the past, we also would like to hear from our Catholic parishes and we would wish to encourage them to send us articles and comment from and about their parishes as well – it is your paper as much as ours. Thank you for your continuing help and support, God Bless, Clive”.

